Friday, March 31, 2017




The past week has seen the Wiper party mount pressure on the National Super Alliance (Nasa) to front Kalonzo Musyoka as the coalition’s presidential flag-bearer.

The bullishness displayed by the mainly Kamba community leaders, including an ultimatum and a threat to call it quits if Mr Musyoka is not granted the flag, is an offshoot of what transpired in Emali in Makueni earlier this week.

In that dusty town, about a third of leaders of the Kamba community met and took a solemn vow.

Dubbed the "Emali Declaration", the leaders resolved to ensure Mr Musyoka flies the Nasa flag in the August General Election.

The declaration, as read by Makueni Governor Kivutha Kibwana, was as follows:

We the leaders and people of Kenya's south Eastern region congregated at Emali town on March 28, 2017 do hereby declare the following:

1. We will now henceforth speak with one undivided force on social, economic and political issues affecting the community.

2. We, as a united leadership, recognizing that the dignity of our community is interwoven with our destiny, we have resolved to be steadfast on our dignity's full realization.

3. In 2017, we will put our 2.5 million votes in one basket within the formidable NASA formation, which promises transformation for Kenya. We know only NASA will liberate Kenya from bad politics and dire underdevelopment.

4. Having resolved so, any insinuation to the contrary regarding our leader will be construed as an assault and ridicule to the community itself.

5. We the leaders of South Eastern region congregated here as well as our people have duly endorsed Dr Stephen Kalonzo Musyoka as the presidential flag-bearer under the NASA coalition and ask the other NASA principals and Kenyans to do the same.

6. We request the leaders presented here to engage professionals to prepare a regional economic blueprint for negotiations at national level.

After the declaration was made, all the leaders stood up, held and raised their hands in a show of unity and commitment to it.

Former Lands Cabinet Secretary Charity Ngilu, Machakos Senator David Musila, Makueni Senator Mutula Kilonzo Jr, Kitui Governor Julius Malombe, Chama Cha Uzalendo Party Leader Wavinya Ndeti, Machakos Deputy Governor Bernard Kiala and People's Trust Party Leader Mutua Katuku spoke at the event, all vowing to support Mr Musyoka.

Others at the meeting were Makueni Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau, Nairobi Deputy Governor Jonathan Mueke and several MPs.

Ms Ndeti revisited the 2013 memorandum of understanding that Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga was to be the Coalition for Reforms and Democracy flag-bearer and then pass the baton to Mr Musyoka this year.

“It is time the deal is honored and Kalonzo flies the opposition flag,” she said.

And Mr Musyoka’s bid on Wednesday took a different turn, with National Assembly Minority Leader Francis Nyenze asking that the party leader be selected or they bolt from the coalition.

But Mr Musyoka has repeatedly made it clear that he will stick with NASA to the bitter end regardless of who flies the flag.

“After today’s meeting, I now feel empowered to go to every corner of the country and talk to Kenyans,” said Mr Musyoka on Tuesday.


Okoth said Raila resurrected Kalonzo's political career several times but the Wiper leader is paying back through blackmail and intimidation. Install TUKO New App & Enjoy News For FREE ''In 1992, RAO and others brought back multi-party system; Kalonzo was comfortable in KANU. In 2002 Moi ditched Kalonzo, RAO brought Kalonzo into the winning team of NARC. Kalonzo stole our party certificate after the 2005 referendum- the original ODM. Kalonzo pitiad katikati( went thrugh the middle) to become Kibaki's Vice President after the botched 2007 General Election, ''RAO partnership of ODM as the anchor party in CORD gave Kalonzo relevance and funding of WIPER from 2013 to 2017. Kalonzo has no right to blackmail RAO with reckless threats and deadlines,'' Okoth wrote. READ ALSO: Court SLAPS Joho with fresh order on his bank accounts Ken Okoth Wiper threatens to leave NASA if Kalonzo is not made flag-bearer. READ ALSO: Prominent Baringo politician arrested after bandits burned down 'mzungu' property Okoth's tirade against Kalonzo and Wiper came just a day after Leader of Minority in the National Assembly Francis Nyenze on Wednesday, March 29, claimed the Wiper party would bolt out of NASA if Kalonzo is not named the flag-bearer as earlier reported. Okoth said Nyenze should apologise for his remarks which are only meant to sell the fight for democracy and just governance in Kenya. ''Nyenze must apologise, Kalonzo must shape up. RAO and his steadfast followers have stood up for and sacrificed for democracy and good governance in Kenya. If Kalonzo and Nyenze want to sell out the cause, that's their right but a terrible shame,'' Okoth said. Ken Okoth Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka. Subscribe to Tuko youtube channel to watch more interesting videos! Nyenze said that an MOU signed between Kalonzo and Raila in 2013 should be honoured and Kalonzo should be given the ticket. He gave the NASA committee seeking a flag-bearer seven days to pick Kalonzo or the party will go it alone. Wiper has since dismissed him and said he will make another statement rectifying that. On Thursday, March 30, Raila revealed that he had spoken to Kalonzo regarding the much publicised reports that he was ready to bolt if his presidential needs were not met. Raila strongly dismissed claims that Kalonzo was exiting the alliance, adding that the Wiper leader was “very much in the alliance''. Read more:

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