The government has introduced a drug that will be taken daily by HIV negative people who think are at risk of HIV infection. The drug, referred to as Pre- exposure Prophylaxis will be given to only those aged 15 years and above starting next month.Kenya is the second country to embrace the programme in Africa after south Africa. The drug has been used in US and Britain. According to Dr Martin sirengo the head of National AIDS & STI control programme PrEP is an anti-retro viral drug taken daily by HIV negative people most at a risk of HIV to reduce their chances of becoming infected.
PEP means taking anti-retro viral medicine ARV after being potentially exposed ti HIV to prevent becoming infected.Others are people who have multiple sex partners or who engage in transactional sex, victims of sexual violence or those who in the course of having sex realize the condom has burst. Also those who have had repeated treatment of sexual transmitted diseases are on Nascop's radar.
But there are conditions to be met before you can access the drugs
You must be 15 years and above and you must visit a public hospital to be tested for HIV. If you are negative, then you qualify. For suitability to use the drugs, Kenyans will also be tested for the proper functioning of their liver and kidney.
Survey shows young women of 15-24 years are accounted for all new HIV adult infections. HIV prevalence among women is 5.6percent. About a million Kenyans are on anti-retro viral drugs. In 2015 Homabay led in new infections at 10,625, Kisumu 9,699, Migori 5,619 and Nairobi at 4,981.
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